Friendly to People and Strong in Quality
“D-PICS,” short for Digital Production Indicate & Control System, was developed by Roland DG in 2000 as a user-friendly manufacturing support system that harnesses IoT to respond quickly and flexibly to everchanging customer requirements. It achieves this by sharing digital data like 3D design data throughout the entire company from product design to manufacturing, quality control, sales and services to cut development time, reduce costs and increase product quality. As part of these efforts, D-PICS was further enhanced by the manufacturing department to facilitate efficient high-mix, low-volume production.
The most distinctive feature of D-PICS is that operators involved in monozukuri can use it as a system for achieving high quality and efficiency wahile maximizing their own capabilities and individual talents to the fullest extent in the shortest time.
Digital data is available to support the operator in real time, which helps achieve reliable, high-quality manufacturing regardless of individual skill levels or varying degrees of attentiveness. At the same time, the system provides the operator with an environment in which they can focus on assembly with greater confidence which fosters a more exciting workplace atmosphere teeming with a high level of motivation and attention to detail and creating ideas for improvement.

Introduction of the D-PICS Production System
This section provides an overview of the system and its merits.
Remote Production
This section reports on a demonstration experiment in which products made in a factory are produced at home.