Multiple digital kiosks called “Yatai”
connect to the server at the same time
to assist the operator with assembly
instructions and quality control
in real time.
Operation status
Digital YataiA
Digital YataiB
Digital YataiC
Quality control
Digital YataiA
Digital YataiB
Digital YataiC
Digital YataiA
Digital YataiB
Digital YataiC
Digital Yatai
Digital Yatai is responsible for guiding the operator’s assembly procedures.

Created Value
Creating an environment where operators feel comfortable focusing on assembly work not only helps improve quality and work efficiency, but also boosts the motivation of operators as it makes work more rewarding for them. The reduction in effort required to learn work procedures also allows operators to explore their creativity such as finding new ways to improve operations.
D-PICS was developed to assist manufacturing operations and
has been shown to deliver a wide range of advantages to production sites.
Simultaneous development by adopting concurrent engineering methods
Parallel production of multi-product, flexible volume jobs
Swift, flexible response to sudden increases or decreases in production
Reduction of work-in-progress inventory
Shorter production lead time
Reduction in control time with increased quality
Remote Production
This section reports on a demonstration experiment in which products made in a factory are produced at home.